Python & Java 4 Teachers


Our project methods include the development of three main outputs:

1. A hands-on fun-packed training curriculum and workshops with non-formal approaches in learning to code in Python and Java, using fun activities like Games Coding, A.I. and Robotics. The workshops will be the gateway for teachers to understand how to code in Python and Java as these languages are used in the industry and they will explain why they need to teach these futuristic skills to the students. The workshops will also give guidance to teachers on how to make learning to code fun for their students.

2. A set of resources and guides for teachers on how to stimulate interest in subjects of computer science, coding and software development, and advice on how to support the introduction of these topics through non-formal educational methods– This will help professionals in schools to develop their own skills base to deliver professional, up to date coding lessons for students.

3. A Methodology and Implementation strategy that promotes cross-sectoral dialogue and the involvement in teaching, in terms of supporting the training of staff, managers, teachers at a local and regional level.

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